Friday 30 October 2015

Mikko Salo hitting jackie in 5:21 with kipping pull ups, worth a watch  

Bench mark Friday - Jackie

1000m Row
50 thrusters
30 Pull ups

Thursday 29 October 2015

Gymnastics - Muscle ups

Pull focus - False grip drills 

Dip focus - strength 

transition - Jumping muscle up 

plus 3 km row (broken into 1km intervals) 

- more rowing tips and drills to keep you busy 

Wednesday 28 October 2015

throw back to the old gym when you literally had no room and just got things done 

Strength - bench press

2 x 5 @40%, 2 x 5 @45%, 2 x 5 @55%

Drills -  4 x 8 weighted step ups
             4 x 8 single Leg RDL, before switching legs
             8 rope climbs
             5 x 10 strict presses Pause over head

Tuesday 27 October 2015

Im sure I get this look most days around the white board

Oly - 20 min EMOM

5 x clusters

midline - 3 min superman hold

Monday 26 October 2015

De load week is here after the last few weeks, you've all worked really hard time to reset and recover

Strength - Front Squats

2 x 5 @40%, 2 x 5 @45%, 2 x 5 @55%

Metcon - 8 min AMRAP

15 dips
45 double unders

Midline - 100 hollow rocks

Friday 23 October 2015

Red t-shirt friday here with a bang

Hey gang, just to make you all clear on the Thursday opening times :-

7:10am - 10:30am
lunch break
4:30pm - 8:10pm

I had a few people ask so just wanted to clear this up

Bench mark Friday - ANGIE

100 pull ups
100 push ups
100 sit ups
100 squats

Thursday 22 October 2015

Just a little reminder that we scale to suit are ability with the hope to progress

Skill - Strict HSPU
Kipping HSPU


3 km Row (recovery)

Wednesday 21 October 2015

You'll see in BOLD RED that I have changed the opening and closing hours, this will be for the next few weeks then will return back to normal. 

Monday - Friday  

Open 7:10 am - Close 10:30am 

Lunch break 

Open 3:30 pm - Close 8:15pm (Thursday will be 4:30pm)

Saturday - will be normal 

9am - 1pm 

Sunday - Closed 

So nice having skip around again, still going strong for a man in his 60s fair play 
No excuses just hard work  

Strength - Bench Press

warm up - 5 @ 40%, 5 @45%, 5 @55%
working sets - 5 @70%, 3 @80%, 1+ @90%

Met con - for time

5 rounds
30 OH lunges
21 Burpees

Midline - 100 hollow rocks

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Happy birthday for tomorrow karen, I will one day master this

Oly - Bear complex

Power clean
Front Squats
Push Press
Back squats
Push Press

Met-con - Happy birthday Karen
For time
in Partners
perform two rounds

31 WB
31 burpee box jumps overs
31 KBS
31 Strict Pull Ups
31 Sit ups
31 Push Ups

You go I go per movement

Monday 19 October 2015

If you still don't have a rope I have some for sale from Elite gear in my office

Strength - Front Squats

warm up - 5 @40%, 5 @45%, 5 @55%
working sets - 5 @70%, 3 @80%, 1+ @90%

Metcon - 10 min AMRAP
200 DU
30 Cleans
max cal row

midline - 5 x 10-20sec L-sit hold (box)

Friday 16 October 2015

for those that haven't seen this video 

Oly - clean drills

Hang power clean + power clean + front squat

NB - focus is form not load, fix mobility issues

Metcon - Elizabeth

21 - 15 - 9

ring dips

Scales will be load and box dips

Thursday 15 October 2015

So when checking Im on the same wave length as other coaches around the world heres a statement from CrossFit Invictus head coach CJ martin coach to Josh bridges, camille leblanc-bazinet and kristin holte to name a few 

Always learn the strict movement before the kipping, even though strict movements are usually much harder to achieve. Why are strict reps important? Being able to do them ensures that your shoulders have the strength base necessary to support kipping pull-ups. Since there is no momentum involved, you are relying on your shoulder muscles to move the load (in this case, you) versus the inertia you create by kipping. Working towards your first kipping pull-up without a strength base (even with bands) can do some serious damage if you aren’t at your strongest. Nobody wants a torn rotator cuff, labrum, biceps, slap tear, or shoulder dislocation because they cut corners to kip.

It is recommended by Invictus that men be able to perform six unbroken strict pull-ups and for women, three unbroken strict pull-ups, before they attempt kipping. Want to make the jump from kipping to butterfly pull-ups or chest-to-bar? Shoot for 15-20 perfect, unbroken kipping-pull-ups first. Eyeing those bar and ring muscle-ups? Make those 15-20 pull-ups chest-to-bar and then a strict muscle-up! Those are just our recommendations and we realize that we can’t stop you from practicing and wanting to achieve the next level but we can recommend that you continue to follow your progressions until you get there.

Gymnastics - Pull up focus and drills 

Strict pull ups 
kipping pull ups 
butterfly pull ups 


3km row 

Wednesday 14 October 2015

throwback to when we hosted the South Coast Throwdown, 150 people shouting and throwing down makes me think we need another comp in the south 

Strength -  Bench press
warm up - 5 @40%, 5 @45%, 5 @55%
working set - 3 @65%, 3 @75%, 3+ @85%

Met con - 5 rounds
20 Deadlift
15 TTB

Midline - 100 twist

Tuesday 13 October 2015

throwback to when we competed in DWF for the first time, so many faces gone on to new and better things so glad that midnight 5km run didn't happen 

Oly - Cleans
6 x 3

Met con - For time
500m Row
150 double unders
500m run

midline - 3 min superman

Monday 12 October 2015

SID team from last year, we have another team looking to head back to bath in Nov
 will post more details soon 

Strength - Front Squats
warm up - 5 @40%, 5 @45%, 5 @55%
working set - 3 @65%, 3 @75%, 3+ @85%

Metcon - 3 rounds
30 hang cleans
30 Front Squats
30 Push press

Midline - 3 min Hollow hold

Friday 9 October 2015

Cant wait for Saturdays team day but first lets hit


21 - 15 - 9 

Pull ups 

Thursday 8 October 2015

CrossFit Bournemouth Family from the weekend, love the guys that made the journey to support us made it easier looking up and seeing all your faces when we had to dig in deep during some of the WODs. Those of you that have done this in the past and present as athletes its always so nice to see a friendly face when you've giving your all in a WOD to have someone say well done. You give your time up to travel to an event to watch, which means the world to us and makes us push that much harder. So I thank you all for the support you have given Athletes when they are competing.   


Choose A or B

A - Muscle ups drills 
Ring dips 
false grip strength 

B - 5000m Row recovery 

 - 3 min hollow hold 

Wednesday 7 October 2015

The support you give your fellow members is what makes the CrossFit community so much better than any other sports I have come across. Last weekend showed me that even when not competing each member of Team Elite gear got behind each other. It was one of the best Team comps that I have been involved in due to the positive support and care showed towards each other. 

Lets carry on building a community that supports each other in class till the last person is finished, you will all experience a tough WOD during your journey and will need a helpful push and shoulder to lean on when things get tough. 

Lets not forget your first WOD and how it felt to have support to the end and remember to make everyone feel the same you did that day. 

Strength - Bench press
warm up- 5 @40%, 5 @45%, 5 @55%
working sets - 5 @60%, 5@70%, 5 @80%

Metcon - Push up Annie
50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10

Push ups
Double unders

Midline - 100 Arm haulers

Tuesday 6 October 2015

Strength - 5 x 10 KBS for load 
rest as needed 

Skill - 20 min EMOM

odd - 5 L-sit pull ups 
even - 5 DHSPU  

Monday 5 October 2015

So last week was a bench mark week for Oly lifts, so the next few weeks we will work through some % work on Front Squats and Press to try improve your Oly lifts

Strength - Front Squat

Warm up sets - 5 @40%, 5@45%, 5@55%

working sets - 5 @60%, 5@70%, 5@80%

Metcon - Squat Annie

50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10

Air squats
Sit ups

Saturday 3 October 2015

Take a read of the above statement and ask yourself do you keep intake levels to levels that support your exercise not body fat. Have you mastered major lifts and strict gymnastic movements, do you train at an intense level or do you sandbag.

Sprints can be a great tool for increasing power out put just like weight lifting, also by working sprints into your training gets you used to moving quickly without having to worry about lifting objects

Go outside find yourself a Hill or zig zag

perform 5 sets max effort for 15sec

then switch to a flat surface

perform the follow sprints

7 x 60m - rest as needed
4 x 100m - rest as needed
2 x 150m - rest as needed

Friday 2 October 2015

its that time again Tim, but no Curtis Ps for you 

35 min AMRAP  

1 Snatch 
35 Push ups 
10 OH Lunges 
35 Strict pull ups 
19 clean and jerks 
35 Pistols 
80 deadlifts 

Thursday 1 October 2015

How will you hold yours

Remember there is no classes Saturday as all your coaches are away at The Super team cup, I will post a wod Saturday morning which wont affect next weeks strength cycle. If your feeling beaten up from this weeks strength its only gonna get worse as this week was bench marks

Gymnastics Totals

1RM Pistol (perform on both legs to see imbalance)
1RM Pull up

today will be low rep high weight focus, if the movements are hard for you spend the time improving why they are hard. So we can get you doing better Body weight movements.

Remember there is always a scale and progression.