Thursday 25 December 2014

Tuesday 23 December 2014

Mobility - Hip mobility

Met con - 15 min AMRAP
9 deadlifts 70/45
12 push ups
15 box jumps

Skill - Wall balls

3 x 10 @30/20

4 x 25 @20/14

Monday 22 December 2014

Mobility - Key focus on todays WOD is over head position so spend time on lats, the more mobile you are the more reps you do the harder the WOD becomes.

Metcon - 7 min Ladder
3 thruster

>3 reps each round

Oly - 20 RM Power clean - looking around 50-70%,

Strength - 3 x 2 Front Squat across -  pick a heavy load

Friday 19 December 2014

Met-con - Team WOD

5 rounds
200m Run
25 push ups

Skill - CTB ladder
1, 2, 3 etc 10

if you fail complete 60 reps

Strength - Deadlift
1 rm

Thursday 18 December 2014

Make it happen

Oly - Hang clean

build to a heavy single


Endurance - if you wanna work engine over lifting

Row - 30 min time cap
30 sec on 30 sec off

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Mobility - get a foam roller into Lats, use the wall to open hips and stretch quads

Met-con - Isabel
30 x snatch

Have a plan and stick with it 2nd half is when it hits you

Strength - 1 rm Press

mobilise in-between lifts to recover from Isabel

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Mobility - Barbell into front of shoulder work internal range, hip mobility

Met-con - 7 min ladder
3,6,9,12, etc

Skill - 10 min EMOM
odd - 50 Double unders (unbroken)
even - 30 sec plank hold

Endurance - this is a must do

Row - 10 x 250m

Monday 15 December 2014

Mobility - spend time looking at your Ankles and hips will post extra mobility focus for you guys

Met-con - 3 rounds
500m Run
21 Wall Ball
12 TTB

Oly - 1RM Snatch

Prob wanna start about 50% of previous 1RM 5-7 lifts

Strength - 1RM Back Squat

yet again start heavy get up to your previous weight quick then rest longer before your heavy last 3

Friday 12 December 2014

If you dont have your own rope yet buy one or ask santa as you will be doing a lot of double under practice

Metcon - 10 - 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1
Jerk 70/50
2 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 10 - 12 - 14 - 16 - 18 - 20
Pull ups

Skill - 300 double unders
20 vups every time you break

Strength - 10 x 3 Back squat

Thursday 11 December 2014

Oly tech - Clean and Jerk drills

building for better mechanics

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Met con - 4 rft
10 SDHP 50/37.5
10 TTB 
10 push press 
10 Hang power snatch 

Strength - 1 RM Back squat 

Tuesday 9 December 2014

what a good pull from the floor looks like

Metcon - 4 RFT
5 Power clean 70/50
200m run

Skill - kipping and bounding

- for time
60 pull ups

we will be using these times as bench marks

- For time
60 box jumps

we will be using as bench mark

Please post your scores in comments

Monday 8 December 2014

New programming

Please post your scores on here and give feedback so I can program to your needs also acts as a diary for when we repeat movements or wods

Metcon - 5 min AMRAP
10 burpee
15 thrusters 40/30
20 C2B

Oly - 1 RM hang snatch

Strength - 1 RM OH Squat

Friday 5 December 2014

Team Wod will be a fun one tomorrow 

Strength - Deadlift
3 x 10

Gymnastic - DHSPU
5 x 5

WOD - 15 min AMRAP
12 Deadlift
10 hang power cleans
1 rope climb  

midline - 3 min plank

Thursday 4 December 2014

Programming Philosophy

Whilst playing rugby at a high level and gaining a degree in Sport Studies, I have since completed several other qualifications in strength and conditioning and various CrossFit courses.
However, my communication skills on programming aren’t the best; so here it goes.

After gaining some feedback from members and watching how classes run these past 4 years, I thought it would be best to give you an insight into the head of coach FON.

As we all know and love CrossFit, it tests our strengths and weaknesses and makes you want to come back for more. We have all been there, looking for that extra 5-10kg PB on our lifts because it makes us feel like we are getting better. But, have we ever thought that a PB has come from an increase in mobility or the ability to squat or press efficiently… that has lead to the increase in a 1rm snatch or clean & jerk.

Past 6 months

Since the last open WODs back in march I have made it my mission to increase basic strength through programming strength on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays. I have also tried to program in gymnastic strength work on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Fridays to enable a higher amount of reps during WODs through the help of kipping. With the endurance classes on Tuesday and Thursday those that want do well in CrossFit needed to build work capacity, that comes from hours spent building an engine to move for a set amount of time and work outside you’re comfort zone.
Those of you who struggle with gymnastic based movements like Pull ups, HSPU, dips and TTB have had a gymnastic class there to improve such skills.

3 Headed Monster within CrossFit  

When looking at yourself ask your self this; if I was a three-headed monster would all three of my heads be the same size?

The conditioning head – Fitness is a measurement of work capacity, the ability to move any load for a set duration of time i.e. 4-20mins.

The skill head – No matter how strong or fit you are, can you perform high volume of unbroken reps of the following – Muscle ups, pull ups, CTB, ring dips, HSPU, double unders?

The Strength head – Assuming you have a good work capacity and a good skill set, you’ll do well at competitions through having a good 1RM. But remember, you need to get to there first!

If we now add 2 more aspects of fitness to our monster and say you need;

Mobility – Enables you to move efficiently and fast with minimal risk of injury, thus allowing for an increase in volume. But it’s down to YOU

Mental grit – This is developed everyday just by turning up, your beating that choice to go home and chill and avoid a movement that you hate.
Instead you are choosing to develop a poor skill, increase mobility and become a better person.

Now look back on the past 6 months and think to yourself; have I followed the white board, could I have done more mobility, could I have focused on getting lower in squat and moving better? If so, would I be a better athlete now.
I ask myself this question after every qualifier I do and the answer is always the same. Stop working on strength and develop my engine and skill set.

All that being said we are now going into a new phase come January.
December is a tough month to make changes with Christmas parties etc but I will give you a feel for it over the next few weeks.

The new phase will look something like this below:

Monday –    Metcon
              Olympic Lifting (heavy)

Tuesday -    Metcon

Wednesday - Metcon

Thursday -   Olympic Lifting Technique

Friday -      Metcon

Saturday -   Team Metcon
              Olympic Lifting (heavy)

Gymnastic classes will no longer run, with the coaching in class taking over on skilled movements/gymnastics.

Endurance will still be posted for those that want to carry on working their engine.

Break down on the above meanings;

Met-con – Development of our engine is the number 1 goal for everyone. Met-cons will always come first, but will now start earlier to allow for coaching on skills, Oly and strength movements. Due to the nature of the competitions, we are tested on met-cons not 1RM.

Olympic Lifting - You’ll see heavy and technique, that’ll be the focus on that particular day. Both are just as important as one another, with focus on safety of the lift against 1RM.

Strength – You don’t need to be super strong to compete and do well in competitions. I’ve learnt this the hard way… Most events have moderate load, so improving strength at the loss of fitness isn’t a good idea.

Skill – Developing particular movements is key; box jumps, pull ups, double unders, muscle ups and TTB. These always come up in competitions, but they also help to improve general fitness.

Volume Vs Intensity – To improve focus on intensity and quality of training, rather than increasing volume to decrease the quality of movements, which builds bad muscle memory.  

Oly - Snatch complex

Power snatch + snatch


Row - 800m repeats rest 2 min

Wednesday 3 December 2014

strength - Press
3 x 10

gymnastics - ring dips
5 x 5 weighted

WOD - Partner wod

15 - 12 - 9
box facing burpee box jumps overs
200m run
- then partner runs
12 - 9 - 6
box facing burpee box jumps overs
200m run
- then partner runs
9 - 6 - 3
box facing burpee box jumps overs
200m run
- then partner runs

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Oly - Power snatch
5 x 5 - same weight from last week

5 x 5 - same weight from last week


8 rounds 
20 sec work 10 sec rest 

Pull Ups 
Push ups 
Sit ups 

Row - 4 x 1000m

Monday 1 December 2014

Gymnastic strength - pull ups
5 x 5

Rope climbs
3 x 5

Squat endurance - back squats
5 x 10 reps

WOD - 8 min AMRAP
10 burpees
20 grasshoppers